What is Response to Intervention?
Response to Intervention is a system set in place to provide targeted instruction to students that need support in a specific academic area. There are multiple of intervention. All students receive differentiated instruction in their classroom. The RTI teacher offers ideas and materials to the classroom teacher for targeted lessons for the majority of the class.
If it is found through testing that a student needs additional support, with a parent's permission, the RTI teacher will work with a small group or one-on-one with students in their classroom setting during designated times to further target instruction. If these supports do not produce the intended results, a student may be referred to the I&RS team. If a student is meeting grade level expectations, the student will be exited from the program.
If interventions do not show to be effective for a student, additional interventions may take place. These interventions involve the RTI teacher working with a student or students outside of the general classroom setting in order to provide further individualized and targeted instruction. If these instructional methods still do not produce the intended results, the student may be referred to the Child Study Team.
District Administration
Superintendent: Dr. Alexander Anemone
Curriculum & Instruction: Dr. Tamika DePass
Title 1 Program Coordinator: Ms. Kara Doviak
Shaler Academy
Principal: Ms. Jeanine McGlynn
I. & R. S. Coordinator: Ms. Jeanine McGlynn
RTI Teacher: Ms. Danielle Crisafi